Scary poem

Have you heard the poem about Mary Shaw ? If you haven't then this is how it goes

Beware the stare of Mary Shaw
She had no children, only dolls
and if you see her in your dreams
Make sure you never ever scream…

Or she'll rip your tongue out at the seam.

And if you see her remember this,
The only thing that can stop her is…Shhhh

Full poem:
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw
She had no children only dolls
And if you see her in your dreams                                            
You must never, ever scream
For she is taking revenge upon all
Who had silenced her and made her fall
Sending out 101 dolls to rip out their tongues
So none of them will utter a single word again
Beady little eyes, turning every way you go
Leave them in the dark and you never know
Forever they wil place you down, in eternal sleep
With a picture of horror, your own blood will seep
And gone forever, she will take
All your loved ones and family
Beware of Mary Shaw
She's very angry
And whatever you do, don't appear scared
For she will murder you and leave your blood there
Her ghost is kept inside one doll
Dug from her grave, you will lose it all
Just don't say her name
Don't ask her why
She'll take your loved ones and she won't cry
Beware of the stare of Mary Shaw
Her spirit lives on 

The poem above was shared in a film entitled, Dead Silence. This poem is based upon an old ghost story that was told in Ravens Fair for generations.

It was told to children to keep them in line but some claim that there is some truth to the story. Regardless, it has evolved into a terrifying tale to tell at Halloween.

Is the curse that Mary Shaw placed real?

Outside of Ravens Fair there is an old theatre—the Guignol—that sits near Lost Lake. It was 1941 and Mary Shaw was performing her ventriloquist show on stage.

A boy in the audience, Michael Ashen made fun of Mary. He called her a fraud and stated he could see her lips moving as the dummy talked. The audience then laughed.

Several weeks later Michael went missing. The townspeople and the Ashen family became convinced that Mary had something to do with his disappearance.

A group of men, made up of members of the family and some locals, challenged Mary one night. What had she done with Michael?

She screamed her innocence when they would not believe her claims that she had nothing to do with it. They grabbed her, cut out her tongue and left her to bleed to death.

The local mortician noticed Mary had several odd requests in her will but he followed them anyway. She requested her dolls, which she called “her children” should be buried with her and she stipulated her body was to be made up to look like a doll.

Several days after Mary was buried the killings began.

Each man who was involved in her murder was visited by one of the dolls. They were found dead with their tongues ripped out.

Mary’s ghost then began to visit the wives and children of these men. As the years passed their children’s children were visited. All were found in mid scream with their tongues ripped out—dead.

The residents of Ravens Fair still refuse to utter Mary Shaw’s name. For they are terrified Mary and “her children” are waiting in their grave for the next victim.


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